Why KLS?

By joining KLS, you are investing 9 short months in life-long transformation. God wants to unlock you, transform you, empower you, and launch you into your destiny. Your transformation causes you to thrive in your marriage, your family, your job, and every area of your life. KLS is an eternal investment. It gives you skills that you can use for the rest of your life, no matter your vocation or phase of life. The time and cost is a small investment that you make for an eternal impact on you, your family, and your loved ones.

What You’ll Get

Hands-on training in life-giving community from September 3, 2024 - May 13, 2025. 

In-person Students: One night a week and one Saturday a month. 

Online Students: Courses on online teaching platform and monthly live small groups.


Fall Semester: September 3, 2024 - December 10, 2024

Spring Semester: January 21, 2025 - May 13, 2025 

Weekly Schedule: Tuesday nights 6pm - 9pm

3-Day Freedom Party Retreat (in-person students): Thursday, September 5, 6:00pm - Sunday, September 8, 2024, 12:00pm

Online Freedom Party: Thursday, September 12, 6:00pm - 9:00pm

Saturday Prophecy and Healing Rooms (in-person students): 1st or 3rd Saturday of each month (you choose one), September 2024 through May 2025

Class Schedule: Tuesdays 6pm-9pm CST

On Tuesday nights, in-person students will engage in live worship and prayer, engaging teaching, small group interaction, and hands-on training. We record the Tuesday classes in case you miss one. Here are some courses you will be taught.

  • Go deep into the heart of God and position yourself to hear Him clearly.

  • Receive the transformative power of the Father’s love to heal and restore you from the inside out.

  • Learn how to identify and get rid of demonic activity in your life and in others.

  • Understand and step into your eternal calling as 1) a priest who can access heaven and approach God with confidence and 2) a king who can transform earth by exercising God’s authority and releasing His power.

  • Become free of the poverty mindset and access supernatural wealth to meet your needs, fulfill God’s call on your life, and radically bless others.

  • Drastically enhance your relationships and vocational life by learning to effectively deal with conflict, respond to toxic people and situations, and rid your life of unnecessary drama.

  • Discover who God created you to be, what He has called you to do, and practical steps to launch into your destiny.

Classes (Online students)

Class recordings and exercises will be made available through our online platform for you to watch on your own time. You will have access to the classes from September 3, 2024 until May 15, 2025. You will tune in to at least one live or recorded Storehouse Dallas prayer set via the Storehouse Dallas YouTube channel each week at times that work for your schedule. This anointed time of worship and prayer will draw you deep into the heart of God. You will also sign up for a monthly live small group meeting time to interact with KLS leaders, discuss class material with fellow online students, and engage in group exercises such as hearing God, prophesying, healing, etc. 

On Saturdays, you will gain live, hands-on experience exercising the gifts of prophecy and healing. You will participate in our Prophecy and Healing Rooms on either the 1st or the 3rd Saturday of each month (you choose). You learn to exercise these gifts by doing them. Each Saturday, you will receive teaching on the gifts of prophecy, words of wisdom, words of knowledge, and healing. Then you will serve on a team to exercise those gifts. You’ll get to pray and prophecy over people you’ve never met, some who have never received a prophetic word!

Online Students, teachings on prophecy and healing with impartation and activation exercises will be available through our online platform. You will be able to exercise these gifts in your monthly live small group gatherings and outside of class challenges. If you are in the Dallas area or willing to travel, we invite you to join our Storehouse Dallas Prophecy and Healing Rooms on either the first or third Saturday so that you can gain extra hands-on training in the gifts of the Spirit. 

Saturday Prophecy & Healing Rooms (in-person)

Stop For the One

Jesus cared about the ONE in front of Him. Each week, you (in-person and online students) will be challenged to share the love of Jesus and exercise the power of prayer, prophecy, and healing with at least ONE person outside of class. This exercise will help you grow in compassion for everyday people, increase your boldness to share Jesus with others, build your spiritual gift muscles, and get you in the habit of reaching the world around with the power of the gospel. 

Sunday Teams

If you’re joining us in-person, you’ll also grow in your leadership by serving once a month on a Sunday service team at Storehouse Dallas. The greatest in the kingdom, Jesus said, is the servant of all. Online students, you will be encouraged to connect with a local church for monthly serving. 

What does it cost?

Scholarships, Discounts, and Payment Plans are available. God’s will is God’s bill. If cost feels like a hindrance, don’t worry, there are options. When you apply, Dr. Matthew Esquivel will call you personally to discuss any questions you may have about the program, schedule, cost, or anything else. 

In-Person Full Cost - $3995. Early Bird Discount: $2995

Online Full Cost - $2995. Early Bird Discount: $1995

Early Bird Deadline: Sunday, July 21, 2024 at 11:30pm

Payment Options In-Person

Pay 1X - $3995 → $2995 (early bird pricing )

Pay 3X - $1332 → $999 (early bird pricing)

Pay 5X - $799 → $599 (early bird pricing)

Payment Options Online

Pay 1X - $2995 → $1995 (early bird pricing )

Pay 3X - $999 → $665 (early bird pricing)

Pay 5X - $599 → $399 (early bird pricing)

You can pay as soon as you apply OR apply now and pay later

Initial payment due by August 15, 2024

Final Payment due by December 1, 2024

Start transforming your life today